Annie's Pastel Pencil Picture Feedback

Annie has sent me this picture she is doing of her dog Cindy using Pastel Pencils. Picture ‘A’ is a photo of Cindy that Annie is constructing out of more than one photo. Picture ‘B’ is the composition that Annie proposes that the finished effect should look like with perhaps some flowers placed into the surround. Annie has asked me to give her any tips as to how she can improve the painting also how to get the colours to come out brighter.Annie's Pastel Pencil DogFirst of all let me say that the painting of the dog is very well done and Annie has tackled the long hair really well. What I would do is add more strength to the nose, around the eyes and the pupil. This contrast would automatically make the lighter areas appear brighter.Annie has used a grey pastel paper and this in contributing to the dullness of the light pastel colours, this is why I recommend the sand coloured Ingres pastel paper by fabriano.If this was my picture I would choose to rethink the composition and make the lovely dogs face the point of attraction rather than place distracting things like flowers in the picture. I have showed what this could look like in picture ‘C’ above, it would have to be extended at the top to make it a better portrait size, see the dark red frame I have added. But I think you will agree in this composition Cindy looks adorable in that setting.Sign up to Colin Bradley Art and receive feedback on your pastel pencil paintings.


Martin's Black & White Spaniel Feedback


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