Under Pressure - How much is too much?

When starting out with pastel pencils, it is quite common to apply too much pressure and "crush" the paper. You can also apply too much colour to the same section and also crush the paper this way.The Ingres Fabriano Pastel Paper that Colin recommends has a "tooth" to it which the pastel pencil grips perfectly too but also needs to be retained. If you apply light pressure especially in dark areas, use 3 colours - a base tone, an intermediary colour and then the darkest colour.If you have applied too much colour or pressure and "crushed" the paper then there is a way to recover the picture. View our YouTube video below of Colin demonstrating the technique.Have you suffered from applying too much colour or pressure? How did you get around the problem? Let us know in the comments below.


CBA - Weekly Update - Triple-Whammy!


Podcast 57 - Warmer or Cooler Colours