Touching up Watercolour with Pastel Pencil

You will see on YouTube and on this site "Mixed Media" subjects. This is where I have completed a picture using Watercolour then used Pastel Pencils to enhance it. I originally started out with Watercolour and found the Pastel Pencil adds another layer where you can enhance different elements. It can give the picture a sense of realism most notably with trees and shrubs (on the A.R. Quinton landscape below). All the things you can't do with Watercolour, you can do with Pastel Pencils.Quinton Mixed Media Cottage LandscapeWhen doing mixed media subjects it is best to plan ahead where you are going to use the pencils. The Pastel Pencils are simply and enhancement - Watercolour is the Donkey and the Pencil is the person sitting on it.Unfortunately Pastel Pencils weren't around in Quinton's time, he died in 1934 and the Pastel Pencil's arrived in the later 1930's.To learn my Mixed Media techniques, become a member of our site here.


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