Developing Your Own Style Of Painting


On this website, I give people the opportunity of learning to draw using Pastel Pencils and copying the techniques that I have developed over 30+ years. But you will start to develop your own style of painting the more you do. Here's a few answers to some questions you might have regarding your growth as an artist.

How important is it to develop your own style?

Everyone starts any creative pursuit by copying others both in techniques and style. Almost straight away they develop their own style but this is not recognised immediately. After a while, depending on the amount of experience they have gained, their own style will develop on it's own.

How long did it take you and did it change over time?

When I started painting it took me a few months to to notice that I had developed my own style, but I was paining profusely; almost as a full time job.

Meerkat pastel paintingDo you try and make your pictures look like their photos?

When I started off I tried to copy the reference photos as closely as I could but after a while I found that copying a reference picture was not what I wanted. I started to create my own interpretation of what I was looking at making subtle changes that made the painting my own.

How will I know when I have my own unique style?

You will know when you have achieved your own style when you compare your painting to the reference picture and see these subtle changes.We hope this helps, have you noticed your own style of painting? Let us know in the comments.


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