Colin's Feedback on Bonny's "Victorian Lady with Mask" Painting

Bonny has sent me her lovely painting of the Lady with Mask based on my original picture shown on Facebook some while ago and has asked for feedback Bonny writes:"Colin’s fantastic picture of this woman has definitely pushed me to another level of patience. I had already started the face before I received the pencil recommendations from Colin. I think I may have overworked the face as I have spent at least five hours on it alone. Attached is a scan of my painting and I hope Colin will give me some more pointers for this project."Victorian Lady with Mask Picture FeedbackThe main problem here is that the colours of the hair and the face have been overworked, not surprising really as these areas are the most difficult.So how do you get round this?The rule here is once the first few base colours, white, ivory and light pink are applied the rest of the colours should be applied with very positive strokes arriving at the desired tones creating a fresh positive effect.In Bonny’s painting the undertones in the hair were too strong meaning the subsequent colours were weakened and do not have the brilliance of colour and contrast.As Bonny said she did not have the list of colours that I used for this picture as this was not intended as a members project at the time, so Bonny had to guess the colours I used.The good news is that I have recently redone this picture with a couple of changes and it will be up on the member’s site in the coming months.What are those changes? I am going to keep you all guessing on that.


Advice on Ellie's White Cat Painting


Earn While You Learn