CBA - Weekly Update - Spitfire Parts 5 & 6

This week, we have yet another double episode for you on the Spitfire. There is so much to this beautiful picture (nearly 5 hours raw footage!), that we are trying to show you as much of it as possible.

This week's question of the week, comes as a follow up to one of our previous questions regarding pricing your artwork.

Question: Very interesting question and answer about pricing your work. Here is a follow up question. How do you define who is an amateur and who is a professional? This is another question from across the pond! 

To view Colin's answer, click here.  To view our complete list of archived questions click here.

That's it for this week, be sure to visit Colin's facebook page for latest updates on projects coming soon!

CBA - Weekly Update - Spitfire Complete


CBA - Weekly Update - Spitfire Parts 3 & 4 Added